Baron-Epel, O., ##Douvdevany, Y., ##Ivancovsky-Wajcman, D., Barach, P., Bashkin, O., Czabanowska, K., Dopelt, K., Davidovitch, N., Jakubowski, S., MacLeod, F., Malowany, M., Okenwa-Emegwa, L., Peled-Raz, M., & Zelber-Sagi, S. (2024). Professional development: A mixed methods study of Masters of Public Health alumni. Frontiers in Public Health, 12.
Peled-Raz, M., & Goldstick, O. (2024). Improving contraceptive care for minors in Israel: practice, policy, and training gaps among OBGYNs. Israel Journal of Health Policy Research, 13(52) (11 pages).
Peled-Raz, M., Efron, Y., Tzafrir, S. S., Doron, I., & Enosh, G. (2024). The development and evolution of ethics review boards: Israel as a case study. Research Ethics, 20(3), 490-513.
Theitler, N., Rees, V. W., Peled-Raz, M., Bitan, M., & Rosen, L. J. (2023). Tobacco smoke incursion into private residences: A cross-sectional study examining public perceptions of private rights and support for governmental policies. Israel Journal of Health Policy Research, 12(25) (15 pages).
Bar, N., Naaman, E., Rosin, D., Aviram, E., Yanai, H., Yehudai, N., Walden, R., Padova, H., Kori, M., Peled-Raz, M., Tedgi, D., Kabha, E., Yerushalmi, B., Gil, Z., Wagner, N., Karni, T., & Turner, D. (2023). Shackling prisoners and detainees in Israeli hospitals: A multicenter study followed by a national intervention program. Lancet, 402(10398):285-287.
Goldstick, O., & Peled-Raz, M. (2022). Prescribing contraceptives to minors without parental consent. Harefua, 161(11), 709-713. (Heb.)
Bashkin, O., Otok, R., Leighton, L., Czabanowska, K., Barach, P., Davidovitch, N., Dopelt, K., Duplaga, M., Okenwa Emegwa, L., MacLeod, F., Neumark, Y., Peled-Raz, M., Tulchinsky, T., & Mor, Z. (2022). Emerging lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic about the decisive competencies needed for the public health workforce: A qualitative study. Frontiers in Public Health, 10, Article 990353 (12 pages).
Kamin-Friedman S, Peled Raz M, Lessons from Israel’s COVID-19 Green Pass Program, Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 10, 61 (2021) doi: 10.1186/s13584-021-00496-4
Peled-Raz M, Tzafrir SS, Enosh G, Efron Y, Doron II. Ethics Review Boards for Research with Human Participants: Past, Present, and Future. Qual Health Res. 31(3):590-599 (2021). doi: 10.1177/1049732320972333
Peled Raz M, Ethical Decision-Making Framework for the Allocation of Scarce Mechanical Ventilators During the COVID-19 Crisis, Harefua 159(4): 235-240 (April 2020) (Heb)
Peled-Raz M, Willner N, Shteinberg D, Or-Chen K and Rainis T, Digital recording and documentation of endoscopic procedures: Physicians’ practice and perspectives, Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 8:57 (2019) (12 pages) DOI 10.1186/s13584-019-0332-6
Peled Raz M, Y. Efron, I. Doron, G. Enosh, S. Tzafrir, Conference Report – “ERB’s in the Academia: Past, Present and Future”, University of Haifa, December 2017, Study of Organizations and Human Resource Quarterly 3:1 6-15 (2018) (Heb)
Peled-Raz, M. Perl, M.S. Green, Treatment of un-accompanied minors in primary clinics – Caregivers practice and knowledge, Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 7:29-35 (2018) DOI 10.1186/s13584-018-0217-0
Karako-Eyal N, Gilbar R, Peled-Raz M, The Dying Patient Act 2005 Ten Years On: Law, Ethics And Medical Practice, Tel Aviv Law Review 41, 73 pages (2018) (Heb)
Peled-Raz M, Human rights in patient care and public health – a common ground, Public Health Reviews 37:29-38 (2017) DOI 10.1186/s40985-017-0075-2
N. Willner, M. Peled-Raz, D. Shteinberg, M. Shteinberg, D. Keren and T. Rainis, Digital recording and documentation of endoscopic procedures: Do patients and doctors think alike?, Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (2016), Article ID 2493470, 7 pages, (2016) DOI 10.1155/2016/2493470
L. Rosen, M. Peled-Raz, Tobacco policy in Israel: 1948-2014 and beyond, 4(12) Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 4: 12 (2015) (15 pages), DOI 10.1186/s13584-015-0007-x
Peled-Raz M, “You’ll thank us later”: Compulsory treatment notwithstanding the patient’s informed refusal, Hapraklit 53(1): 61-105 (2014) (Heb.)
Peled-Raz M, Medical screening tools and the applicability of the informed consent doctrine, Medicine and Law 41: 11-25 (2009) (Heb.)
Peled-Raz M, No more all or nothing: Abandoning the Israeli “Balance or Probability” rule in cases of vague and subjective medical causation, Medicine and Law 27(4): 743-754 (2008)
Peled-Raz, M. Hakim M, Human papilloma-virus vaccine: the appropriate policy for Israel, Medicine and Law 37: 55-65 (2007). (Heb.)
Peled-Raz, M. Forschner, A solution right under our noses? Article 15(2) of the patients’ rights bill as a proper legal tool in cases of adults inflicted with anorexia nervosa, Medicine and Law 32: 155-164 (2005). (Heb.)
Siegal, G. Peled, M., Hospital ethics committees, Medicine and Law 17: 6-12 (1997). (Heb.)
Book Chapters
Maya Peled-Raz, LegitimateGovernmental Intervention in Decisions Relating to the Health of the Individual, in Health Promotion in Israel 213-231 (Baron-Epel, Daoud, Levin-Zamir eds. 2016)
Karako-Eyal N, Gilbar R, Peled-Raz M, Yossi Green, Shlomit Perry, Nirith Flibtzki, Efrat Gil, The Dying Patient Act: Preliminary Findings pilot study examining the attitudes of physicians and practices, END OF LIFE – MEDICINE, LAW AND CULTURE IN ISRAEL IN THE FACE OF DEATH 99-117 (Brill, Mansfield, Hazan and Lavi eds. 2020) *